

Well it is Pam's birthday today, and we are going out for dinner. I'm giving her some MK stuff, since I have so much of it! :)

Wow I really don't have much to say.........

Oh I know...if anyone gets the Kamloops paper(s) I am or am going to be in the paper for the play "The Roads We Travel" so if you get it can you cut out the articles and pictures and save/send them to me. That would be grande!

Also, come to the play! It's December 7,8,9,10 at the Kamloops Alliance church at 730. Tickets are free!!! It's really good! SO COME!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm excited, and I'm totally gonna be there (duh.)
Anyone who wants tickets...seriously. Call the church (376-6268) or go to www.kamloopsalliance.com for more information.
(Look at me, pushing the church.)