
Going on...

The play has been really awesome. Opening night went fairly smoothly with only a few mishaps. Tonight went well too. There were more mishaps, but I think everyone was distracted because there were a lot of problems with the sound. Tonight's performance, or I guess now it would be last night, we didn't have sound at all for the first half of scene one, and then when we did get it, horrible feedback at first! But it was alright. And then for the second act we didn't have sound until scene 5, which was a good thing since I have to be quieter, so I was trying to figure out how I would be quiet while projecting, and then the mics got turned on. It was great. So all in all the performance have been going well. Only two more to go. I really hope they run smoother!

1 comment:

Heather said...

*sigh* Me to. My "brrrring, brrrring" was hardly the best sound effect for a phone ringing. :-/