
Happy National Nothing Day!

Today is National Nothing Day, and it seems fitting for me as I am not feeling very well and will probably spend all day...doing nothing. According to the website I found every January 16th is National Nothing Day. Here is more information on the day:

National Nothing Day is quite simply... a day for nothing.

Seeing as the creators of this day left nothing about the cause or reason for the day, we are also describing nothing about today. To say anything more would defeat the purpose of this day.

Celebrate this day by doing....nothing. Of course, that assumes that doing nothing is okay with your boss.


We're going to go out on a limb, and guess that the creator of this day wanted to have just one day to do absolutely nothing. He or she succeeded, as we found nothing about this day.

There is no evidence to suggest that Nothing Day is truly a "national" day, which requires an act of congress.

I was just looking for weird holidays and special weeks and such and came accross the site. So my plan is to let you know what is happening. Or you could just go to the site yourself I suppose. That is my plan for the year, maybe I will actually start blogging more often. And of course I will write a bit about my life. For anyone who wants to know about the holidays that we have missed so far this year go here. There were some good ones like Run Up a Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes You Day, Bubble Bath Day, and Male Watcher's Day.

January is also

  • National Blood Donor Month
  • National Braille Literacy Month
  • National Hobby Month
  • Hot Tea Month
  • National Oatmeal Month
  • National Soup Month
I'm really happy about the Hot Tea Month, I know I sure have drank a lot of it this month so far :D mmm Chai Tea and Passion Tea and Sweet Wild Orange Tea....yes they are all Tazo! :)

So anyways...Happy Nothing Day Everyone! Tomorrow looks interesting! No peeking!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Well, I think you and I just celebrated bubble bath day a little late, is all. But mmm so nice.